por Carla Bampa | 13/08/2024 | 24 horas da Paixão, Artigos
“Senhor, lembra-te de mim quando estiveres no Paraíso”. Essas foram as palavras daquele que estava ao lado de Jesus na cruz, conhecido como o “bom ladrão”. “…Lembra-te de mim”… Meus irmãos, tenhamos a certeza, plena, de que não há um só segundo, do...
por Renan Augusto | 09/04/2020 | 24 horas da Paixão
Ó meu dulcíssimo Senhor, eu Te dou graças, porque Te dignastes ter-me em Tua companhia, por um momento, na Tua tremenda agonia no Horto. Ai, ó meu Bom Jesus, como foi pouco o conforto que pudeste encontrar em mim! Mas o Teu Amor infinito e a superabundância da...
por Renan Augusto | 09/04/2020 | 24 horas da Paixão
Thanksgiving after each hour My Lovable Jesus, You have called me in this hour of Your Passion to keep You company, and I have come. I seemed to hear You Praying, Repairing and suffering, in anguish and sorrow, pleading for the salvation of souls in the most...
por Renan Augusto | 07/04/2020 | 24 horas da Paixão
The Twenty-fourth Hour: From 4 to 5 PMThe Burial of Jesus. Desolated Mary Most Holy. My Sorrowful Mama, I see that You dispose Yourself to the final sacrifice of having to give burial to Your lifeless Son, Jesus. Most perfectly resigned to the Will of God, You...
por Renan Augusto | 07/04/2020 | 24 horas da Paixão
The Twenty-third Hour: From 3 to 4 PMJesus, Dead, is Pierced by the Thrust of a Lance. The Deposition from the Cross. My dead Jesus, all nature has sent out a cry of sorrow at Your last Breath, and has cried over Your sorrowful death, recognizing You as its...
por Renan Augusto | 07/04/2020 | 24 horas da Paixão
The Twenty-second Hour: From 2 to 3 PMThird Hour of Agony on the Cross. Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Word of Jesus. The Death of Jesus. Fifth Word on the Cross O my dying Crucified, clinging to the Cross, I feel the Fire that Burns all of Your Most Holy Person. Your Heart...